
Wambuul-Macquarie River NSW 2023

Wambuul-Macquarie River NSW 2023

The Wambuul Macquarie River has become heavily degraded thanks to floods, erosion, and rubbish. Thanks to funding from the Central West Local Land Services, the community has come together to breathe new life into the riparian zones of Wellington and Dubbo. It has also been supported by OzFish, who worked with volunteers from Western Paddlers, NSW, and Dubbo Rivercare to ensure this project could heal the river’s ecosystem.

Murray River , NSW 2023

Murray River , NSW 2023

OzFish unlimited will be working to improve a 2km stretch of the Murray River upstream from Euston by installing 20 large logs and rocky structures to enhance fish habitat. The restoration activities are designed to help restore the Murray River habitat and create better fishing in one of Australia’s largest freshwater rivers for today and for future generations.

Bottle Bend, Mildura 2023

Bottle Bend, Mildura 2023

Large logs were dropped into the water and 35 tonnes of rock were strategically placed. The installed structures will provide critical breeding sites, shelter and protection from predators, a place to rest, ambush sites and feeding grounds for aquatic species, such as the iconic Murray Cod.

Keep It Clean

Keep It Clean

Each time you go fishing is an opportunity to make a difference and the Fish For Life – Keep It Clean campaign encourages exactly that. Be part of making a difference use the hashtag #FishForLifeKeepItClean, share the videos, and show Australia just how much our waterways mean to recreational fishers by getting involved.

Nymboida River, NSW 2023

Nymboida River, NSW 2023

OzFish Unlimited has restored 3 hectares of the riparian zone along the Nymboida River following the devastating 2019-2020 Black summer bush fires that burnt throughout the system. Removal of privet, lantana and other exotic weeds has been undertaken to reduce competition with native plants. Following this, community planting day event will see volunteers’ plant 1000 native trees and shrubs.

The Channon, NSW 2023

The Channon, NSW 2023

OzFish and Landcare investigated reported sightings of the Australian Lungfish in Rocky Creek Dam. OzFish Richmond River Chapter undertook eDNA sampling to determine the presence or absence of Lungfish in the creek, taught local volunteers how to undertake waterbug sampling and how to capture baited underwater remote video footage.

Gwydir River, NSW 2022

Gwydir River, NSW 2022

OzFish alongside Northern Slopes Landcare, Traditional Owners, recreational fishers and Moree Urban Landcare worked to rehabilitate Moree’s fish habitats on the Gwydir River. Using the River Repair Bus program based at Moree, OzFish led restoration works across three sites surrounding the community of Moree and the Gwydir River.

Washpool Creek, NSW 2023

Washpool Creek, NSW 2023

OzFish have partnered with key volunteer groups and landholders to undertake fish habitat restoration works at the confluence of Washpool creek and Tenterfield Creek. The works will consist of installing riparian fencing over a 2km stretch which will protect the riparian revegetation, planting 1,500 endemic native plants and undertaking extensive weed control.

Edward River, NSW 2023

Edward River, NSW 2023

OzFish Unlimited worked to support a number of eel-tailed freshwater catfish thanks to a project with the Deniliquin Kolety Lagoons Landcare Group, Joint Indigenous Group, NSW DPI Fisheries, Murray Local Land Services, Edward Wakool Anglers Association, and the Edward Kolety Fishing Challenge.

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