Home / Programs / Bottle Bend, Mildura 2023

35 Tonnes

of rocky structure installed

25 woody habitats


1000 native vegetation


Iconic fish species have a chance to thrive

Many features and functions of instream habitat in the Murray–Darling Basin has reduced over the last 100 years. Consequently, ecosystem health has declined. Further, river regulation has contributed to siltation, which has covered many structural features. This project has directly supported aquatic species by replacing lost essential woody and rocky habitat.

Habitat Mapping in 2017-2018

The first stage of this project was completed with funding from NSW DPI Fisheries in 2017-2018 when Sunraysia OzFish volunteers utilized Hummingbird technology and habitat mapped each woody habitat that was located on the New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria (Vic) sides of the Murray River. This was completed by volunteers over 185 hours, along 14km of the river.

Submerged woody habitat structure is crucial for healthy and productive river ecosystems, providing cover, food, and breeding sites for freshwater fish globally. Owing to a history of de-snagging operations for boat navigation, such in stream habitats have been removed throughout Australian rivers.

Identifying lost aquatic habitat

With a knowledge of historical river clearing and widening for transport, and after reviewing past habitat mapping data, local recreational anglers and community groups identified “biological deserts”, which determined the most appropriate areas to restore the woody habitats.

Returning the waterway to its former glory

Once the sites were selected, Sunraysia OzFish organized the first installation of thirty large trees and fourteen root balls. The habitat was placed in bundles in the Murray River, which created a series of complex natural habitat structures.


5 July 2023 | Murray-Darling re-snagging project a big win for environment and rec fishers

The latest OzFish Unlimited re-snagging project in the Murray-Darling not only delivers a big win for the environment but will also be a major plus for recreational fishers.  Just like the Murray-Darling itself, OzFish joined two funding streams together to restore some much-needed habitat to the river with volunteers helping to install 20 large logs and 35 tonnes of rock to the Bottle Bend Reserve near the town of Red Cliffs on the Victorian side of the river.

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This project was funded by the Australian Government’s Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers Program, NSW DPI Fisheries’ Recreational Fishing Trust’s Habitat Action Grant Program and the Australian Government through the OneBasin CRC Program. The project is also supported by BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing and the local recreational angling community.