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Shellfish Revolution

Shellfish Revolution

We’ve lost almost all of our shellfish reefs making this one of Australia's most threatened marine habitats and OzFish is spearheading the largest community-driven restoration program around the country.

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Tackling Litter

Tackling Litter

Recreational fishers are concerned about litter and pollution in their local waterways and its impact on fish and their habitats. OzFish is activating Aussie anglers to be more sustainable and clean up their waterways leaving a lasting legacy for the next generation.

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Fisher Science

Fisher Science

Fisher science aims to give everyday fishers the tools to discover more about their local fishing ecosystem and share their knowledge with their community, to grow and respect in the sport they love for generations to come.

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Fish Emergency Recovery

Fish Emergency Recovery

The Fish Emergency Recovery program actively monitors bushfire affected waterways, restores habitat for threatened aquatic species impacted by these catastrophic events and is ready to mobilise at the next emergency.

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Seagrass for Snapper

Seagrass for Snapper

OzFish is leading the way in seagrass restoration around Australia and with the help of passionate recreational fishers, they are working to restore this vital ecosystem one seagrass seed at a time.

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Murray Darling Basin

Murray Darling Basin

OzFish’s understands that the Murray Darling Basin catchment is the largest continuous river system in Australia and is home to some of our most iconic large native fish as well as many rare and important small-bodied native fish.

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Fish Dreaming

Fish Dreaming

OzFish’s work on Australia's waterways is on the country of our First Nations peoples. We pay respect to their longstanding custodianship of this land. We acknowledge the deep connection and understanding they have with our waterways and our fish as we seek their support, advice, and approval for our stewardship actions.

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Fishable Cities

Fishable Cities

OzFish are working alongside local stakeholders to safeguard and revitalise key saltmarsh and mangrove areas through projects that restore habitat and boost fish populations.

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Interest Area
1-12 of 267 results
  • River Resnagging and Fish Hotels

    Sadly, millions of snags have been deliberately removed through large-scale desnagging operations across the country since European settlement. But there is hope, OzFish are on a mission…
  • River Repair Bus

    In the Murray Darling Basin, our inland regional centres and towns thrive on community, and the rivers, lakes and waterholes are often the economic and recreational lifeblood…
  • Trees for Fish

    The area bordering waterways, such as riverbanks, is known as the ‘riparian zone’. The presence of native trees and vegetation in this zone is important to the…
  • Landcare NSW Partnership

    OzFish Unlimited and Landcare NSW volunteer groups have utilized our past success in community engagement and project management to deliver a series of restoration works across New…
  •  Reef Ball Rejuvenation Project 

    Community members will create ecosystems by deploying shell over reef balls. Anglers and volunteers will drop bagged shell from boats over the concrete reef balls from late…
  • Holiday Break Fishing Day

    The Winter Break Holiday Program and OzFish Unlimited created an opportunity for the community through running the catch a carp days in Moree and Copeton Dam to…
  • Bottle Bend, NSW 2024

    OzFish and Bottle Bend Management Committee have carried out fish habitat and environmental restoration in both the reserve and the Murray River. This has included track maintenance,…
  • Edward River, NSW 2024

    OzFish Unlimited worked alongside Edward Wakool Angling Association, NSW DPI Fisheries, and the Joint Indigenous Group (JIG) to undertake the restocking and tagging of Freshwater Catfish into…
  • Wentworth NSW

    This project aimed to improve the health of the Lower Darling River by reducing rubbish found in the waterway, reducing invasive pest species and removing illegal opera…
  • Balranald Community Fishing Day

    A community fishing day held in Balranald on the banks of Murrumbidgee River brought together locals to remove carp and round up illegal opera house nets.
  • Macquarie River, NSW

    To improve habitat and establish refuge wetlands for Olive Perchlet, a threatened species, by planting native trees, removing woody weeds, removing pest fish species, rubbish removal, and…