Home / Fisher Science Tackle Box


Fisher Science Tackle Bag of Tools provides knowledge and resources to recreational fishers about fish habitat needs, enables fishers to participate in citizen science research. These projects build the capacity of recreational anglers to undertake and better prioritise actions in their own backyard.

These resources build the capacity of recreational anglers to map, monitor, learn and educate about their local fish and waterways. We aim to give everyday fishers the tools and knowledge to discover more about their local fishing ecosystem and share their knowledge with their community, to grow interest and respect in the sport they love for generations to come.

Habitat Health

Habitat Health

Healthy habitats are where you’ll find the fish! Learn more about how to spot a healthy fishing spot. Look at change over time, how good is your riverbank? How healthy are the plants fish rely on the most? How much litter is clogging your cast?

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Fish / Wildlife

Fish / Wildlife

Discover a range of ways to learn what fish and wildlife are hanging out in your favorite fishing spot. What lives in your habitat really tells you a lot about the area and if it needs a habitat boost! This is a simple as going fishing, dropping an underwater video camera or setting some camera...

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The health of the water your fish live in is critically important, it needs the right amount of oxygen, it can’t be too murky or too warm/cold. You can learn more about your target species habits by checking n the details of the water conditions. Love to fly fish? Waterbugs are for you, if you...

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Habitat mapping is like a permanent record of what you’ve seen on your sounder! Where are all those complex snags and rock bars the fish love so much? And importantly, where are they lacking and in need of restoration?

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