A million reasons why volunteers are needed for sixth annual Seeds for Snapper project

There are a million reasons why Seeds for Snapper is a great way for volunteers to help restore Cockburn Sound’s precious marine ecosystem.
Plans are underway for the sixth annual Seeds for Snapper project in Western Australia, the largest of its kind in Australia which is making unprecedented strides in seagrass rehabilitation.
Over the past five years volunteers have tirelessly dispersed millions of seeds with each tiny emblem a testament to their collective commitment.
This year’s project is set to begin in November and OzFish is calling for more than 500 community volunteers to register now to make it their largest on record.
Bearing the weight of ecological significance, seagrass meadows serve as a haven for pink snapper, an iconic native species that resonates with anglers throughout Western Australia.
Reflecting on the resounding success of last year’s project, Steve Pursell, OzFish Western Australia Program Manager asserts: “Last year we witnessed more than 400 volunteers stand up to be counted and this season, we’re poised for an even greater turnout, setting sights on a big year ahead.”
Steve said once volunteers register, they will attend induction events in October to learn all they need to know.
“What makes this project different is that it’s entirely community driven, built on the passion of locals that love Cockburn Sound,” he said.
“It is using a bottom-up approach that involves the community taking ownership of the entire habitat restoration process.
“We hope to begin seagrass fruit collection dives in early November but the exact start date depends on when the fruit is ripe for picking. This can change from year to year so it’s best to keep an eye on the OzFish website for event updates.
“Volunteers love taking part in the project. They come out of the water so happy and say they find it really satisfying.”
Prospective volunteers can register here.
The seagrass restoration project, which began in 2018, is made possible because of OzFish’s commitment to bring people and science together through a long-standing partnership with the University of Western Australia.
Cockburn Sound is recognised as a pivotal habitat and feeding ground for numerous recreational fishing favourites. These seagrass meadows have endured significant degradation due to environmental shifts and prolonged ecological challenges.
This is where OzFish’s dedicated volunteers come into play.
From recfishers and boaters to scuba and freediving gardeners to the onshore team that process fruits and prepares seed for dispersal, they all play a part in the community driven restoration effort to bring the seagrass meadows back to life.
“We are mostly working at Woodman Point in Cockburn Sound. It’s a really good spot to get volunteers in the water safely,” Steve explained.
“The divers go along and give the seagrass fruit a bit of a tickle and they catch them in the nets.”
Steve emphasised the importance of collecting seagrass fruit – a commonly discarded item washing up on beaches – as it holds the crucial seeds needed for restoration.
“If you just leave it to nature most of that fruit will just detach and float away. About 90% end up in deep water or on the beach where they can’t grow so this is where our collection team steps in.”
The project will have eight 2000-litre tanks set up at the Cockburn Power Boats Club where the fruit will be processed.
“We put the fruit in the tanks and we pump water through there to circulate it, agitate it a little bit and regulate the temperature and then in about two or three days, the little fruits will pop open and because they’re very dense, the seeds will sink to the bottom of the tank,” Steve explained.
“Once they’re ready we go out to the restoration sites, that have been determined by the researchers, and we chuck the fresh seeds over the side of the boat like feeding the chooks, it’s pretty simple really.”
The Seeds for Snapper volunteers collected one million fruits last year, restoring 2.3 hectares of seagrass meadows in Cockburn Sound.
OzFish is calling upon recreational anglers, divers, businesses, and passionate locals to get involved. Register your interest below to help make 2023 even bigger.
This project was made possible thanks to a long-standing partnership with the University of Western Australia, support from Recfishwest and Cockburn Power Boats Club with major funding provided by Water Corporation, Synergy and BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing.