Emigrant Creek Restoration 2022

Emigrant Creek Restoration 2022

Located on private land along Emigrant Creek, we are continuing the collective effort to restore the riparian zone, improve fish habitat and prevent bank erosion and turbid water, by restoring another 2km stretch of riverbank.
Emigrant Creek is a popular fishing location that is abundant in both estuarine and freshwater species. This location is important for the migration of Australian bass and their spawning success.

Emigrant Creek, NSW

Emigrant Creek, NSW

Located on private land along Emigrant Creek, we are continuing the collective effort to restore the riparian zone, improve fish habitat and prevent bank erosion and turbid water, by restoring another 2km stretch of riverbank.
Emigrant Creek is a popular fishing location that is abundant in both estuarine and freshwater species. This location is important for the migration of Australian bass and their spawning success.

Tenterfield Creek, NSW

Tenterfield Creek, NSW

At the end of 2019, bushfires ravaged the Tenterfield area and a following rain event saw chemical, ash and sediment impact the water quality of Tenterfield Creek damaging the habitat of the southern purple spotted gudgeon. OzFish Unlimited and Landcare Australia got together through the Restoring Fish Habitat in Bushfire Affected Areas project to return this precious habitat and water quality issue back to a healthy functioning ecosystem.

Moree River Repair Bus

Moree River Repair Bus

Fish habitat in the Gywdir, Mehi and surrounding waterways will have the support of an OzFish River Repair Bus based in Moree. The River Repair Buses are a truly unique initiative that will undertake weekly activities together with volunteers, landholders, Landcarers and traditional owners to collect rubbish, undertake weed removal, revegetate waterways, and improve instream habitat across the region.

Water Probe Testing

Waterway Fire Science

The Black Summer Bushfires of 2019-20 ravaged the east coast of Australia at an unprecedented scale and ferocity and was followed by high rainfall, dealing our precious and unique waterways with a devastating blow. Waterway Fire Science Project is a citizen science initiative in NSW which will determine how our waterways, fish habitat, and fish populations are recovering following the impact of bushfires.

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