Home / Programs / River Resnagging and Fish Hotels / Lansdowne River, Coopernook, NSW

By creating a corridor that links healthy fish habitat through to the Coopernook Wetlands, the efforts of OzFish and Landcare volunteers will boost the fish nursery habitats of the Manning River and in turn create a food factory for fish and crabs.   


The saltmarsh along Tappin Creek is a known mud crab nursery and provides an important food source for crabs and other recreationally targeted fish species.  By fencing this area off from stock and removing weeds we are ensuring that the saltmarsh can continue to provide habitat for fish and crabs into the future. 

The 1500 native trees and shrubs planted along the banks will provide future fish habitat while also providing a buffer from erosion that is generated from fast flows and boat wash. Wake from boats can cause riverbanks to erode at a rapid rate. The Lansdowne River Links project is stabilising and protecting the bank of the river with coir logs and horizontal timbers to improve water quality in the river and give fish habitat a significant boost.

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The project is being delivered in partnership with Mid Coast Council and Hunter Local Land Services. This project is assisted by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Developments’ Recreational Fishing Trust’s “Habitat Action Grant Program” and supported by BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing and the local recreational angling community.