The OzFish volunteers’ work is delivering a wide range of benefits to the Creek, surrounding areas and local community. The volunteers have undertaken more than 150 hours of work and the positive impact is already clear to see.
The invasive weeds had displaced native flora and made the creek incapable of supporting native fish habitat, as well as preventing access to the waterway for recreational anglers.
Removing the weeds and restoring native vegetation has enhanced the stability of the bank, improved the water quality, reduced the effects of localised drought and increased food sources for native fish in the Creek. All of these factors secure the long-term viability of native fish populations.
OzFish has also run three community engagement events in the area. These have strengthened ties with the local community, provided further knowledge about the Creek, and increased the sense of involvement in and stewardship of the long-term environmental condition of the Creek within the community.