Induction events for WA Seeds For Snapper live

Book in for induction event now!

As OzFish’s Seeds for Snapper begins in Cockburn Sound in Western Australia, keen ocean-lovers are encouraged to attend an induction session and learn how to get involved with the nation’s largest seagrass restoration project.

OzFish Western Australia Program Manager Steve Pursell said, “We encourage anyone who wants to help us restore the sound to get involved: recreational anglers, divers, businesses, retirees, travellers and passionate locals can all lend a hand – or a boat.”

“We have a variety of roles for community volunteers, including divers, boaters and onshore support.“

At the one-hour sessions, volunteers will learn safety protocols, the expectations for different roles, how to register for seagrass collection, project methodologies and more.

What is Seeds For Snapper?

Seeds For Snapper WA aims to restore the vibrant underwater world of Cockburn Sound by cultivating seagrass meadows.

Seagrass meadows are vital habitats that provide food, shelter, and breeding grounds for marine life – including the iconic Western Australian Pink Snapper.

Seagrasses also store carbon and nutrients, and help to stabilise soil and sediment on the ocean floor, helping to protect Australia’s shorelines from erosion and storms.  

More than 85% of seagrass meadows have been lost from Cockburn Sound during the last century, devastating the native fish populations. OzFish and partners are leading the effort to restore the habitat –and increase the numbers of native fish.

The annual collaboration between OzFish and the University of Western Australia, and Australia’s biggest community seagrass restoration project, is now in its seventh year.

What is the process?

Just like fruits on the land, seagrass bears and drops fruit once a year. The fruits float to the surface and then, unfortunately, many of the fruits get washed ashore or far out to sea – where the seeds can’t germinate.

OzFish volunteer divers collect the seagrass fruit and return it to shore, where the fruits ripen in large tanks. The seeds are then collected, and dispersed on the ocean floor at various local sites, throughout Cockburn Sound.

Once the seeds are dispersed, local seagrass experts and OzFish volunteer citizen scientists monitor the area to make sure the seeds are flourishing.

Want to get involved?

Join OzFish and book your induction session for Seeds for Snapper 2024.

If you can’t lend a hand, make a donation and help restore and protect Australia’s waterways and fish today.

This project was made possible thanks to a long-standing partnership with the University of Western Australia and our major partner BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing.