The Jatbula Journey: Empowering Young Men and Connecting with Nature

OzFish Northern Territory Project Officer, Harvey Martinez, has been out on country recently, embarking on a four day hike of the Jatbula Trail as a mentor in The Rite Path program. The journey was a profound experience of connection, education, and empowerment.

The program, developed in partnership with Pathfinders NT, IBC Social Enterprise, and OzFish Unlimited, aims to guide young men aged 15-21 through transformative experiences, fostering healthy masculinity and deepening their connection to the environment.

Jessy Hall, the Managing Director at Pathfinders NT, beautifully summarised the essence of the journey:

“The Rite Path was a chance for young males from the Top End to connect and journey through a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. We had seven young fellas and six mentors traverse the breathtaking Jatbula Trail through Nitmiluk National Park. Not only did they form lasting bonds with each other, but they learnt about the local flora and fauna.”

Harvey not only shared his environmental knowledge on the hike, but provided mentorship to the participants:

“The goal was to provide these kids with some self-confidence, positive role models, and a love for one another, which is very important, and in addition to that we got to teach them about catchments and waterways” Harvey explained.

He emphasised the importance of mental health, physical health, and connection to the land, with all mentors ensuring no one felt excluded during the trip.

The Jatbula Trail, stretching over 64 kilometres through Nitmiluk National Park, offered a perfect setting for this initiative. Harvey noted the impeccable timing of the hike, “We went at the best time of year, just after the wet season. The rivers were still flowing well, and the wildflowers and grasses were stunning.” This timing allowed the participants to experience the full beauty of the waterways, without the extreme challenges posed by the annual wet season.

As the group journeyed, Harvey highlighted the important role of Australian native plants. Teaching in situ, Harvey spoke about the role of native vegetation in preventing erosion and maintaining ecosystem stability.

“I used the environment as an opportunity to talk about community and resilience. A tree is only as strong as the forest around it, and the same goes for these young men. In turn, the river is protected by the forest. Looking after each other is crucial,” Harvey explained.

The hike was not just about physical endurance but also about fostering a deep connection with the land. The group encountered some of the Top Ends iconic wildlife along the trail, including freshwater crayfish, observed intricate rock art, and experienced the lush tropical rainforest in an area known as the ‘Amphitheatre’.

“The Amphitheatre was particularly special. We broke into smaller groups for yarning circles, discussing the people we wanted to become and making promises to ourselves for the future,” Harvey shared. This setting provided a space for reflection and bonding, reinforcing the importance of emotional resilience and community.

Reflecting on the experience, Harvey expressed his excitement for the future, “I have so much excitement in me to see what these kids do in 10 years. This journey has hopefully provided them with some emotional resilience for the rest of their lives.”

The Rite Path program, with its combination of yarning circles, challenging hikes, and reintegration ceremonies, aims to foster personal growth, strengthen community bonds, and challenge gender stereotypes.

“It’s about providing opportunities for young men to gain practical life skills, promoting mental wellbeing, and encouraging healthy emotional expression,” Jessy Hall explained.

This journey along the Jatbula Trail was a testament to the power of nature, community, and mentorship in shaping the lives of young men. OzFish is committed to our continued support of initiatives like The Rite Path, fostering connections to land and water and empowering the next generation to become stewards of their environment through our Fish Dreaming Program.

OzFish is grateful to our major partner BCF for their support of this initiative, enabling Harvey’s attendance as a mentor, and through their local store with apparel appropriate to the terrain for the participants.

If you would like to partner with or support OzFish in the Program, please contract OzFish on 1800 431 308 or

If you are looking for opportunities to connect to country, or local programs such as ‘The Rite Path’ please join OzFish’s Darwin Chapter, or contact the OzFish team closest to you.

This project is funded by a Northern Territory Government Men’s Places Grant and is supported by Pathfinders NT, IBC Social Enterprise and BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing.