Leave No Trace: Why we all need to help reduce the litter problem for our waterways 

No one likes a dirty fishing zone – it benefits no one, especially the fish. 

When you are out wetting a line, always clean up after you leave – that includes bait, fish waste and any litter, including what may be left behind by other people.  

If a public bin is overflowing, find another bin or take your rubbish home with you.  

It is a simple act that goes a long way to ensure we have clean places to soak a bait.    

Fishing is more than a hobby, it’s a deep connection to nature, an escape from the everyday hustle and a way to forge memories.  

But with great outdoor adventures come great responsibilities and one of the most important is taking your rubbish with you.  

The significance of leaving no trace, particularly in public places, is that it sets an example for the next generation of anglers.  


Abandoned fishing line, bait containers, food wrappers and discarded fishing gear can quickly accumulate, tarnishing the natural beauty and cleanliness of these public spaces.  

Here’s are our top reasons why taking your rubbish home when you leave a fishing spot good practice:

Preserving Natural Beauty

Public fishing spots are often chosen for their unique scenery. By cleaning up after ourselves, we help maintain these natural havens in their pristine state for all to enjoy.

Protecting Wildlife

Litter poses a significant threat to wildlife. Birds, fish, and other animals can ingest or become entangled in discarded items, leading to injury or death. Leaving no trace is a tangible way to protect these creatures and their habitats.

Respecting the Community

Public fishing spots belong to the community and showing respect by keeping them clean fosters goodwill among anglers and non-anglers alike.

Leading by Example

Anglers have the unique opportunity to set an example for the next generation. Demonstrating responsible behaviour not only ensures their enjoyment of fishing but also instils in them a sense of environmental responsibility.

Teaching the next generation of anglers the importance of leaving no trace starts with our own actions.

Here’s how you can lead by example:

Bring Your Own Trash Bags

Always pack rubbish bags in your fishing gear. Designate one for recyclables and another for the rest of your waste. This makes it easy to collect and transport your rubbish when you’re done.

Dispose of Trash Properly

Look for designated bins or recycling facilities in the area. If none are available, commit to taking your rubbish home. Leave the area as clean or cleaner than you found it.

Educate and Involve Children

If you’re fishing with children or young anglers, take the time to explain the importance of leaving no trace. Encourage them to participate in the clean-up process and make it a learning experience.

Join Clean-up Initiatives

Many communities and fishing organisations arrange clean-up events. Participating in these initiatives not only helps keep public fishing spots clean but also sets a powerful example for others.

Fishing in public places is a privilege that comes with a responsibility to leave no trace.

By committing to preserving the natural beauty of our public fishing spots and instilling a sense of environmental stewardship in the generations to come, our actions today will shape the fishing experiences of tomorrow.

Keep it Clean is a partnership with OzFish and the NSW Department of Primary Industries. It is made possible through funding by the Recreational Fishing Trusts and Marine Estate Management Strategy. OzFish is supported by BCF – Boating, Fishing, Camping. 

Join us on a Fish For Life journey to preserve the beauty of our waterways and ensure generations to come can experience the thrill of the catch.