Let’s get more done in NSW

If you would like to connect with others who want to look after our waterways and help find solutions to some of NSW’s key habitat issues we are seeking your leadership and skill.
OzFish is creating a NSW Fish Habitat Panel to help drive improvements in restoring NSW waterways.
Nominations for the Panel are open to NSW OzFish chapter executive and members. It is hoped that by having this panel it will result in more recreational fishers being supported to take more actions to improve fish habitat, resulting in better fishing outcomes and experiences for everyone.
The Panel will meet quarterly – online or in person – to discuss local challenges, share knowledge, hear from experts in the industry and formulate solutions together.
The first meeting of the panel will be held at the Mildura Fishers for Fish Habitat Forum 2023 in early November.
Meeting costs (catering, venue hire, etc) and travel expenses (accommodation, food, fuel, etc) will be covered by OzFish Unlimited. Click here to read more about the NSW Fish Habitat Panel position description.
To apply, fill out the expression of interest form by September 15 with the panellists to be announced by the end of September.
This project is funded by the NSW Recreational Fishing Trusts and BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing.