Helping with fish rescues in the Murray River

The blackwater events resulting from the recent floods are unfortunately continuing to have a terrible impact on native fish living along the Murray River.
Working together with an alliance of like-minded organisations, our Fish Emergency Recovery Teams are set to go into action to save as many affected fish as possible. We learned back in 2019/20 with the drought rescues that there is power in our collective response when it’s coordinated and collaborative.
We’ll be working with Mallee Catchment Management Authority (CMA), Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Victorian Fisheries Authority, NSW Department of Primary Industries Fisheries, First Nations communities, aquaculture organisations and our local recreational fishers.
Our teams have already been deployed this week – rescuing crayfish in Barham, Nyah and Swan Hill. Given the situation affecting native fish our Fish Emergency Recovery Team will continue deploying to relocate as many native fish to safer waters.
We have been given the authority to rescue and relocate fish by the relevant government agencies in each state. You can get involved directly in the emergency response by joining one of our Fish Emergency Response Teams by becoming an OzFish member.
If you do see any fish in distress, you can notify us. Indicators of stress in native fish include discolouration, gasping for air and appearing at the water’s surface. Notify us by emailing or tag us on any social posts using @OzFishUnlimited.
Craig Copeland CEO of OzFish understands the emotional response from community members.
“This is a distressing time, but we are proud to be playing a part in a whole community effort to rescue native fish in their time of need. We can achieve so much when working together like this,” said Craig.
If you have seen a fish kill please report it to the NSW (1800 043 536) or the Victorian Government (1300 372 842).
OzFish would like to thank to volunteer community members assisting our team and particularly NSW DPI Fisheries and the Victorian Fisheries Authority.