Australia’s Top Fish Experts Descend on Moree To Think Fish

Local Moree recreational fishers and passionate water users are invited to attend the free Thinking Fish public talks at the Moree Services Club on Wednesday 21 July, hosted by recreational fishing conservation group OzFish Unlimited.  

The event will see some of the leading names in fisheries research and river management take to the stage in TEDx style talks with attendees set to hear their thoughts on some of the major issues surrounding the local Gwydir and Mehi rivers and what can be done to restore and protect native fish. 

The talks are brought to Moree with funding support from Murray Darling Basin Authority, NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment and BCF – Boating, Camping and Fishing.

It will provide recfishers, community members, and avid conservationists to learn about how they can help bring their local rivers back to life.  

Passionate and knowledgeable speakers will touch on managing environmental water, modern screening of irrigation pumps, threatened species, resnagging and replanting riparian vegetation generating debate about the issues facing native fish in the Basin. 

OzFish CEO and Founder Craig Copeland says that “a lot can be done in these areas to improve the local fishery, and recfishers have an important role in being part of the solution”.  

“Like all projects we do at OzFish, it starts with understanding the core issues that are affecting our fish and these public talks are a great first step for the community. 

“Because this is a complex challenge we have invited some pretty exceptionally talented people into one place so you won’t be disappointed by the talks,” Craig said. 

The free event will be held at the Moree Services Club at 6pm on Wednesday 21 July 2021.

Tickets are limited, free nibbles and drinks will be served after the talk to discuss the information with fellow attendees.