Crusty Fishers and Crab Chats in Mandurah

On 11th May 2021,  OzFish  Unlimited, Australia’s  fastest-growing  fishing conservation charity, will be at the Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club to chat about local fish habitat with speakers from Peel Harvey Catchment Council and  Recfishwest.   

OzFish Unlimited are dedicated to helping recfishers repair the places they love to fish through providing resources and expertise in habitat enhancement and restoration.   

Come hear the latest work the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council are undertaking to help improve the environmental conditions in our rivers and estuary with the recently announced Three Rivers One Estuary project.  



Jesse Rowley, the Healthy Waterways Officer at the Peel Harvey Catchment Council, will be discussing current projects including opportunities for the fishing community to get involved.    

Recfishwest Operations Manager Leyland Campbell will be talking about current issues impacting peoples fishing amenity, particularly Mandurah’s famous Blue swimmer crabs.   

“Fishing has always been an important recreational activity in Mandurah and the Peel Harvey estuary”, said Andrew Mathews, OzFish Program Manager.   

“There is a variety of species that live in these waters, where it be blue swimmer crab, Black bream, Mullet and Yellowfin whiting”, stated Andrew.  

The event will not only be an opportunity for the fishing community of Mandurah to hear what projects are currently underway to improve fish habitat, but also a chance for OzFish to hear the locals ideas on what could be done to further improve the health of the waterways. 

OzFish Project Officer, Alanna Cooper sees a huge benefit in the community attending the event.  

“It will be platform to inform recfishers of projects in their community and provide the opportunity to share ideas and get involved”, says Alanna. 

OzFish encourages rec fishers and the wider community to come along to get involved!   

The need for more habitat in the Peel-Harvey Catchment is critical and this project is just another way OzFish and community partners are working towards a healthy, vibrant and more productive fishery.    

Caroline Knight is the Chair of the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, which has been working closely with OzFish.  

“The rivers and streams in our catchment provide water as the lifeblood to the Peel-Harvey Estuary”, stated Caroline.  

“We have undertaken projects over the past three years through funding from the WA State Government’s Royalties for Regions program aimed at improving the condition of our waterways, in particular fish habitat”, said Caroline.  

“Recreational fishers are an integral part of our community over here, so to work with a section of the community with first-hand experience of the social and cultural values of our waterways is a huge bonus.” Caroline stated.  

This project is supported by the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council through funding from the State Government’s Royalties for Regions.