Deua Rivercare decade long journey 

More than ten years ago, the Deua Rivercare group was established on the back of passionate locals that wanted to conserve and enhance this extraordinary ecosystem and waterway. The volunteer group have spent years rehabilitating the river and controlling serious and extensive infestations of weeds. OzFish through its Landcare NSW partnership if further supporting the group and their work to restore the Deua River and improve fish habitat. 

Weed control and community empowerment 

The Deua River bore the brunt of the devastating 2019-20 bushfires and subsequent flooding, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake particularly from invasive weeds. In response, the dedicated team at Deua Rivercare has been working tirelessly to combat invasive weeds ever since. These weeds can push out natives, attract pests and diseases, and turn rich natural areas into landscapes with less variety and usefulness for native animals and plants to thrive. Clearing weeds along the riverbank lets native plants grow back, helps to stabilise the riverbank and boosts the ecosystem’s natural diversity.  

Many hands make light work 

Employing a collaborative strategy, Deua Rivercare and OzFish are combining the manpower of volunteers to hand remove weeds with the expertise of contracted professionals utilising targeted chemical treatments in difficult and hard to reach locations. This approach will ensure that the local native seedbank is given the best opportunity to bounce back.  

An integral part of the initiative will see local volunteers receive comprehensive training in weed control techniques from seasoned bush regenerators. This ensures the long-term sustainability of the project and empowers the community with the knowledge and skills necessary to sustain the ongoing restoration efforts. 

Improve fish habitat in the river 

The Deua River has been identified as a High Conservation Value Aquatic Ecosystem and Deua Rivercare have put in more than a decade’s worth of effort to repair the damage done by invasive plants due to rural and residential use of surrounding land. 

The Deua River is beloved by locals for its natural beauty and renowned bass fishing. Anglers flock to its clear waters, drawn by the promise of prized catches and tranquil surroundings. Whether casting lines from the banks or drifting along its currents, the river offers a sanctuary from everyday life and the restoration program will leave a legacy for future generations to enjoy. 

Aussie Bass

This project is part of OzFish’s Driving Fish Habitat Action partnership with Landcare NSW, with funding support from the NSW Recreational Fishing Trust, Eurobodalla Landcare Network, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, and BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing.