Community effort

OzFish, Landholders and Volunteers have undertaken further work on the Coldstream River riparian bank. Building upon last year’s successful Habitat Action Grant, the focus remains on regenerating and revegetating native corridors to enhance the overall health and resilience of the Coldstream River ecosystem. 

Improving fish habitat

500 meters of the riparian bank has had exotic weeds removed by Biodiversity Doctor Australia, contributing to the ongoing expansion of the native corridor. A total of 1000 native plants have been planted along the riparian bank to assist in health and diversity of the river. These improvements of fish habitat provide shelter and support for aquatic life. Community engagement, involving local volunteers and stakeholders in the planting activities has created a collaborative effort. 

This project is part of NSW DPI - Driving Fish Habitat Action grants funded by Recreational Fishing Trusts and supported by Friends of the Koala, Biodiversity Doctor Australia, Clarence Valley Council and is proudly supported by BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing.