
Crab underwater standing on some seagrass

Seagrass for Swimmers – Western Australia

Working in collaboration with DWER and UWA, OzFish will soon begin Seagrass for Swimmers, a new Halophila ovalis seagrass restoration trial in Leschenault Estuary. This project will form part of Leschenault Catchment Council’s Leschenault Estuary Connect program, an innovative program aimed at connecting and engaging the local community to protect and enhance the Leschenault Estuary for future generations.

Corner Inlet Posidonia Partnership  – Victoria

Corner Inlet Posidonia Partnership – Victoria

OzFish and Corner Inlet fishers are working with Yarram Yarram Landcare Network to restore critical seagrass habitats in an internationally important Wetland. The project seeks to restore what has been lost, creating a healthy seagrass ecosystem for key target species, including integral to this ecosystem. Recreational anglers can find key target species, including King George whiting and flathead.

Saltmarsh Restoration Pitt Water – Orielton Lagoon, TAS

Saltmarsh Restoration Pitt Water – Orielton Lagoon, TAS

OzFishers are working with NRM South, the University of Tasmania, and a local landholder to help restore this incredibly important Ramsar wetland and improve fish habitat. Pitt Water – Orielton Lagoon is a Ramsar listed wetland which supports a whole range of birds, fish, and other aquatic species. Researchers have found many fish species in Tasmanian saltmarshes including yellow-eyed mullet, greenback flounder and Australian salmon.

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