
Deua River, NSW 2024  

Deua River, NSW 2024  

The Deua River supports an important population of the endangered Australian grayling and is also home to the beloved Australian bass. It is the main perennial river of the Moruya River catchment and is in the South Coast region of New South Wales. Deua Rivercare decade long journey  More than ten years ago, the Deua…

Nepean  River, NSW 2023

Nepean  River, NSW 2023

OzFish Hawkesbury Nepean Chapter, Wallacia progress Association, Penrith City Council and the Hawkesbury Nepean Landcare Network aim to restore a popular section of the Nepean riverbank in Wallacia and hold a responsible fishing event to educate participants on eco-friendly fishing practices.

Hunter River , NSW 2023

Hunter River , NSW 2023

OzFish Unlimited, and partners propose to restore two degraded stretches of the Hunter River through riparian restoration and re-establishment of large woody fish habitat. The project will involve multiple community planting and education events, fish hotel building workshops, and citizen science monitoring opportunities.

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