Mackay fishery to get boost with new OzFish Chapter ready for work
Fish habitat restoration is to be boosted in Central Queensland with OzFish Unlimited today announcing the establishment of its newest chapter in Mackay.
The newly established Mackay Chapter of the national not-for-profit will lead a beach clean-up for Clean Up Australia Day – Sunday 7 March at Far Beach at 9am as its first project
“Keeping our beaches and inland rivers and estuaries litter free is not just the responsibility of fishers and boaters, it’s a wider community issue,” Mackay Chapter President Matt Moore said.
“We’re asking local recreational fishers and the community to roll up their sleeves, give us an hour of their weekend and help clean-up our beloved Far Beach.”
OzFish is a member-based organisation empowering recreational fishers across Australia to take control of the health of their rivers, lakes and estuaries to protect the future of the pastime they love.
“There are less fish in our rivers, estuaries and inshore reefs than ever before,” Mr Moore said.
“Our once-healthy waterways have been impacted over decades by human intervention. Now they need our help to restore them to what they once were.
“The OzFish motto is, if there is better habitat there’s better fishing.”
Erosion, drainage of floodplains and wetlands, the construction of dams and weirs which restrict fish passage, the removal of riparian vegetation, loss of shellfish reefs and seagrass meadows and the introduction of noxious weeds have contributed to fish habitat loss across the state.
OzFish members are keen to get involved in fishway monitoring surveys and assist in prioritising locations to deploy artificial reef modules offshore from Mackay, OzFish North Queensland Senior Project Officer Dr Geoff Collins said.
“Habitat rehabilitation projects have become more important in Queensland as recreational fishers recognise the benefits of natural, healthy systems for native fish,” he said.
The Chapter will host a local meeting on Thursday 4 March 6pm at the Austral Hotel in Mackay. New members are invited to attend to learn about OzFish and the projects the group hope to get underway.
If you would like to attend the events, please register below.