Home / Programs / Tackling Litter / Wasted Waterways Clean-up Days

Litter wastes our favourite waterways by impacting our enjoyment, the environment, and chances of catching a fish.

To tackle this, OzFishers all over the country host CleanUp events. They tie them in with special days like Clean Up Australia Day or just host one any time it is needed in their local waterway.

If you know of a problem ‘hot spot’ for litter in your local waterway – let us know by emailing info@ozfish.org.au. Or organise your own cleanup event, with our help, use the link below.

If you’re keen to do a Clean-Up day with your Chapter, let us know and we’ll send you our Clean-Up Kit

 Book your event

Our Wasted Waterways Clean-Up kit comes with everything you’d need including:

  • Gloves
  • Grab-claws
  • Clean up bags
  • Sharps kit
  • Sunscreen
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Small first-aid kit (on request)
  • Small ground tarp for sorting litter
  • Clipboard with WHS forms, sign-on sheet and recording forms
  • Tackle Loop return-postage address (for any fishing related litter)


Click the button below to find out more about the Tackle Loop program, OzFish’s solution to minimise the amount of discarded fishing gear that ends up in landfill.