Home / Programs / River Resnagging and Fish Hotels / Tarcutta Creek, NSW / Tarcutta creek restoration 2023

200 tonnes of rock

to be installed

15 woody habitats

to be installed

2 community events

to be held

OzFish is commencing the third round of work to help revitalise Tarcutta Creek, a southern tributary of the Murrumbidgee River Catchment in south-eastern New South Wales. This will build on work completed in previous years of the OzFish and Landcare partnership.

An integral habitat

Tarcutta Creek is important for native fish, providing essential breeding and foraging habitat. Key components of habitat include spawning sites, shelter from excessive velocities and predators, feeding sites, and a variety of water depths.

Previous restoration efforts

In 2020 and 2022, OzFish Wagga Wagga utilised the best-practice riverbank stabilisation techniques to restore the eroded bank and habitat loss in Tarcutta Creek.

OzFish Wagga Wagga is now moving into stage three of their fish habitat restoration efforts at Tarcutta Creek, by installing 200 tonnes of rock and 15 woody habitat.

Benefits of rocky reefs and woody habitat

These habitats will provide valuable breeding grounds for native fish by assisting the creation of natural scour pools, decreasing erosion through resisting and deflecting flows, and improving water quality.


JUNE 2023 | Rec fishos to lead the charge on new revegetation project

Recreational fishers will be at the forefront of a major initiative to restore areas of vegetation to creek and riverbanks across NSW. OzFish Unlimited, Australia’s only recreational fishing charity, has been selected to receive a series of Riparian Restoration Grants from NSW Local Land Services to deliver major habitat restoration projects. A riparian zone is the area of vegetation bordering a waterway and plays a key role in providing healthy habitat for fish and wildlife. The roots of these native trees are important to holding soil together, mitigating the risk and effects of flood and drought on riverbanks.

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The project is part of OzFish’s Driving Fish Habitat Action partnership with Landcare NSW with funding support from NSW Local Land Services, the Australian Government through the CRC Program and BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing.