Community effort

OzFish, Tweed Landcare, Burringbar Community Landcare and Tweed Shire Council are working together to help restore the riparian zone along Burringbar Creek. The site has seen some great improvements thanks to ongoing efforts from stakeholders but there is still plenty of work to be done!   

Removal of invasive weeds

Oz Fish is joining forces to help tackle a 200m stretch that is currently filled with invasive weeds such as Castor oil, Giant devils fig and Singapore daisy. We will remove these weeds and plant out 250 native trees and grasses in their place to help stabilise the banks and improve water quality for native fish species that love this creek.   

Improving fish habitat

Currently this section of creek is not accessible due to the amount of weeds, and is experiencing erosion which isn’t good for our fish. Planting natives will help to stabilise the banks, make the creek accessible for everyone again and of course improve fish habitat for our beautiful bass

This project is part of OzFish’s Driving Fish Habitat Action partnership with Landcare NSW, with funding support from the NSW Recreational Fishing Trusts and BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing