trees for fish planted
snags & rocky structures
riverbank restored

Since 2020, the fishing and Landcare communities have come together to scale-up habitat restoration activities across Australia and already have exciting plans for year three and beyond. 

Landcare Partnership Year 4
Landcare Partnership Year 4
OzFish are now in the fourth year of the partnership with Landcare. There will be more riparian zones improved, community workshops held and rubbish removed. All of these activities will help to improve the habitat in these locations for years to come.
Landcare Partnership Year 3
Landcare Partnership Year 3

OzFish are now in the third year of the partnership with Landcare that will see even more habitat restoration work achieved. There will be more riparian zones improved, through weeding and the planting of trees, which will result in shelter and food for fish.

Landcare Partnership Year 2
Landcare Partnership Year 2

In year 2 of the partnership, Landcarers and OzFishers came together at 15 locations across NSW. They have been responsible for creating 60 new waterway homes for fish, planting more than 14 kilometres of native trees and shrubs, and removing invasive weeds and rubbish from over 30 kilometres of riverbanks.

Landcare Partnership Year 1
Landcare Partnership Year 1

In the first year of the Landcare Partnership, OzFish and Landcare have achieved close to one million dollars of habitat restoration work. There’s now 14,300 more trees along NSW riverbanks that will provide shade and stable water temperatures, insect fall and eventually snags for fish.


Here’s 5 good reasons why you should get involved

  1. Technical support from OzFish scientists for planning your waterway project
  2. Fresh new project ideas with some innovative activities for your members
  3. Extra volunteers through the OzFish and Landcare networks working together
  4. Access to fundraising opportunities through OzFish major partner – BCF
  5. Access to funding to leverage your grant applications from OzFish and their partners

Need Inspiration?

Your project could include; fish hotels, re-snagging, riparian vegetation, vegetative filter strips, litter clean ups, seagrass re-seeding, fish habitat mapping, removing in-stream barriers, pump-screening, stock fencing and troughs, saltmarsh restoration, oyster shell recycling and more.


For inland areas:
Braeden Lampard | 0432 656 835

For coastal areas:
Ryan Lungu | 0432 012 547

Cassie Price | 0402 408 791

If you’d like to get a project started in your area and you’re not a Landcare or OzFish group – give Cassie Price a call on 0402 408 791 and ask her about the OzFish Landcare partnership.

This project was made possible by the OzFish-Landcare NSW partnership with funding support from the NSW Recreational Fishing Trusts.