OCTOBER 2023 | Why Seeds For Snapper is a big step in the right direction for the global issue of seagrass loss
While seagrass loss is a topic that may not be front of mind for many people, it is vitally important in many parts of the world that rely on fishing as a source of food so projects like Seeds for Snapper are a big step in the right direction for this global issue. University of Western Australia Professor Gary Kendrick delved into the importance of seagrass restoration in an in-depth interview looking below the surface with OzCast, the official podcast of OzFish Unlimited, Australia’s fishing conservation charity. Professor Kendrick is a leading marine ecologist in the areas of marine benthic biodiversity, resource mapping, seagrass and seaweed ecology and seagrass restoration. He has worked with government and industry to determine needs and develop solutions for climate change threats as well as environmental and conservation issues in Australia’s exclusive economic zone.