We’ve got a stack of info ready for OzFish members across the Country to dive straight into. We’re also in the process of forming up new ideas for module content so let us know, what do you want to see?

Let us know by emailing info@ozfish.org.au

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Scale Up Modules

1. Introduction

Offering members and Young Leaders with the tools and resources required for stewardship and leadership actions within their local fishing community.

2. Work Health & Safety

An overview of what to expect prior to and on the day of an event to ensure your safety when working on projects.

3. Chapter Leadership

Learn to make real and lasting impacts with members driving fish habitat across their local regions.

4. Fish Ecology

From food webs to preying techniques, to reproduction and spawning migration patterns, explore the interconnected factors that facilitate a healthy ecosystem.

5. Fish Habitat

Take a dive into some of the key habitats that provide a healthy, and diverse ecosystem for aquatic species.

6. Fish Handling

With more and more anglers preferring catch and release, it’s important that we treat our fish with a level of care to ensure they have the best chance of survival post-release.

7. Fisher Science

Fisher science is essential in providing scientists, researchers, and environmental managers with as much information as possible about local waterways throughout Australia. 

8. Invasive Pest Species

Engage local communities and rec fishers in restoration projects, advocating for sustainable practices, and protecting native species.

9. Tackling Litter

Take proactive steps to tackle the big issue of litter in the industry and promote responsible fishing practices.