The project will engage recreational fishers and community members to locate and map Australia’s remaining shellfish reefs.
By learning how these reefs behave, and understanding their locations and characteristics, we can restore Australia’s shellfish reefs and protect what’s left of these vital aquatic ecosystems.
the benefits of shellfish reefs to recreationally important fish species.
awareness of shellfish restoration and its importance for recreational fishing and local ecosystems.
and map a database of shellfish reef sites using the knowledge and access of recreational anglers.
The shellfish problem
Sadly, we’ve lost an estimated 85 per cent of our shellfish reefs in Australia.
This habitat is vitally important as it provides food and homes to a huge range of fish, filters our waterways, and protects our shorelines.
What is being done?
This initiative invites people in Australia to explore their local waterways to help build a database that can map where Australia’s remaining oyster reefs are hiding.
By taking part, you’ll be helping to restore Australia’s marine ecosystems and ensure these vital habitats are protected for future generations.
OzFish are also working to rebuild oyster reefs as part of the Shellfish Revolution.
How you can help
As recreational fishers, we have valuable experience and access to identify and find oyster reefs – since they are often great fishing habitat.
- Keep your eyes open for tropical shellfish reef sites while you’re out on (or near) the water.
- Take photos of any oyster reef sites including close-up photos of clusters and individual shellfish.
- Upload your photos and reef location to our database.
- Your data and fishing locations will remain private.
Get involved and be part of the solution.
This project is delivered in partnership with OzFish Unlimited and Griffith University, and is funded by the federal government through the National Environment Science Program. It is also supported by BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing.