1000 native trees


3 Hectares of riverbank


2 planting days


The devastating 2019-2020 Black Summer bushfires swept through the Sherwood Creek system, leaving a trail of destruction. Bushfires severely impact riparian vegetation, leading to habitat destruction, soil erosion, loss of shade, increased runoff and pollution, and disruption of food chains. These had far-reaching consequences for Sherwood Creek’s aquatic ecosystems, wildlife, and overall ecological health.

The Community Pulls Together For Its Waterway

OzFish Unlimited stepped up to restore Sherwood Creek’s once-vibrant riparian zone. Over 3 hectares of precious land was painstakingly rejuvenated. It was a project that healed the scars of the fires that had ravaged the area.

One of the most critical steps in this restoration journey was the removal of invasive weeds like privet and lantana. This action reduced the competition native plants faced and allowed the rebirth of the natural ecosystem.

Taking Rehabilitative Action

Two community engagement days are a testament to the power of collective action. Fuelled by a shared love for the environment, volunteers gathered with a sense of purpose and camaraderie. They planted 1000 native trees and shrubs along the riparian banks of Sherwood Creek.

This significant effort is not just about reforestation. It signifies a collective commitment to the well-being of our natural habitats and the creatures that call them home.


Forward Momentum

As the native plants take root and thrive, the rejuvenated riparian zone will reconnect native corridors, fostering the return of wildlife and aquatic creatures to their rightful homes.

These environmentally safe havens will be sanctuaries enabling biodiversity to flourish. Through this dedicated effort, OzFish volunteers from the Coffs Harbour and Clarence River Chapters have proven that the power of community-driven conservation can lead to transformative change.

The restoration of Sherwood Creek showcases the resilience and determination of those working tirelessly to heal and protect Australia’s precious natural landscapes.

Donate to OzFish today to help projects like this one across Australia. 


This project was made possible by Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife, Bushfire Recovery small grants, Friends of Koalas (FOK) Lismore, NSW Recreational Fishing Trusts, Macleay Valley Landcare and BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing.