
South Creek, NSW 2024

South Creek, NSW 2024

At South Creek, OzFish members, landcarers, and local community will work together to clean up flood debris at the site, remove invasive weeds, and help replant native vegetation. These work will commence once the site has been fenced off to exclude grazing cattle. 

Nepean  River, NSW 2023

Nepean  River, NSW 2023

OzFish Hawkesbury Nepean Chapter, Wallacia progress Association, Penrith City Council and the Hawkesbury Nepean Landcare Network aim to restore a popular section of the Nepean riverbank in Wallacia and hold a responsible fishing event to educate participants on eco-friendly fishing practices.

Keep It Clean

Keep It Clean

Each time you go fishing is an opportunity to make a difference and the Fish For Life – Keep It Clean campaign encourages exactly that. Be part of making a difference use the hashtag #FishForLifeKeepItClean, share the videos, and show Australia just how much our waterways mean to recreational fishers by getting involved.

Water Probe Testing

Waterway Fire Science

The Black Summer Bushfires of 2019-20 ravaged the east coast of Australia at an unprecedented scale and ferocity and was followed by high rainfall, dealing our precious and unique waterways with a devastating blow. Waterway Fire Science Project is a citizen science initiative in NSW which will determine how our waterways, fish habitat, and fish populations are recovering following the impact of bushfires.

Tackle Loop

Tackle Loop

Tackle Loop is OzFish’s solution to provide a home for recreational fishers’ old, unwanted, and broken gear. Working with our partners, we will take in old and discarded gear before ensuring it is recycled instead of polluting Australia’s waterways or ending up in landfill.

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