
Vasse River, WA

Vasse River, WA

The project will raise awareness of the issue and build community capacity to partake in hands-on practical work to catch and remove goldfish. OzFish will make best use of the latest science to target goldfish in areas they are known to breed and congregate.

Crab underwater standing on some seagrass

Seagrass for Swimmers – Western Australia

Working in collaboration with DWER and UWA, OzFish will soon begin Seagrass for Swimmers, a new Halophila ovalis seagrass restoration trial in Leschenault Estuary. This project will form part of Leschenault Catchment Council’s Leschenault Estuary Connect program, an innovative program aimed at connecting and engaging the local community to protect and enhance the Leschenault Estuary for future generations.

Tackle Loop

Tackle Loop

Tackle Loop is OzFish’s solution to provide a home for recreational fishers’ old, unwanted, and broken gear. Working with our partners, we will take in old and discarded gear before ensuring it is recycled instead of polluting Australia’s waterways or ending up in landfill.

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