Take a wobbegong walk through your local fishing spot and collect 25 pieces of rubbish. After taking a photo of your collection, dispose of the rubbish in the correct bin, remembering to recycle what you can. Submit a photo of your rubbish haul and write short story, or drawing, about your adventure. We’ll then send your badge… the wobbegong shark!
Move like a trigger fish and get your video trigger finger ready. Shoot a short video clip of you talking about fish habitat at your favourite fishing spot. The video should be between 1-2 minutes long, and should include things like descriptions of the shelter, plants, and food sources. Don’t forget to talk about the water. Is it brackish, Fresh, or salt? Is it clear or turbid? The more information, the better. Submit your video and we’ll send your badge… the trigger fish!
Do your bit to help our fish populations and plant a native tree on a river or near a creek. Look out for any tree planting events happening in your area, or ask your local council about getting one going. Submit a short story, or drawing, about your tree planting adventure as well as a photo and we’ll send your badge… the Aussie Bass!
We want you to catch a pest species and dispose of it appropriately. Submit a photo of your adventure and write a short story, or drawing. We’ll then send your badge… the purple spotted gudgeon!
Head to your local state government’s website for a list of pest fish species in your area.
Become your own fish architect and build a mini fish hotel from things lying around your house. Please don’t put your homemade hotel in a waterway. Write a description of each of your creation’s features and take a photo of your masterpiece! Submit them to us and in return we’ll send your badge …. the decorator crab!
Write a story, or draw a picture, about your time as an OzFisher and the importance of healthy fish habitat. Then share the creation with your friends. Spreading the word about the importance of better habitat and how it leads to better fishing encourages others to get involved. Submit your story, or drawing, and you’ll receive your badge… the Mulloway!
Introduce a friend to OzFish by getting them involved in one of your challenges. Submit a short story, or drawing, and photo about your adventure together. You will earn your badge…. the leafy sea-dragon!
Show us an innovative way to upcycle some fishing gear by finding a way to reuse it or create a new product. Send us a photo of the end result and step-by step instructions, or a drawing, of how it works. We’ll then send your badge… the Mangrove Jack!
We want you to rewrite the lyrics to ‘The Wheels on the Bus‘ song to suit the River Repair Bus. Create a poem, song, or even a rap! If writing is a little tricky, we’d love you to draw the River Repair Bus. Submit your lyrics or drawing to OzFish and we’ll send your badge… the yellowbelly!
Catch any fish, handle it carefully and take a photo. Once you get the perfect shot, gently return your catch to the water. Catch and release is a fantastic way to enjoy the sport of fishing without depleting fish populations. Submit a short story about your fishing adventure, with a photo of your catch and we’ll send your badge… the Murray cod!