Peel-Harvey Chapter

The Peel Harvey Chapter of OzFish is steadfast in its commitment to preserving and enhancing the ecological balance of the entire aquatic system, addressing both its upper and lower reaches. With a multifaceted approach, the chapter actively works on initiatives such as marron habitat restoration, where efforts are focused on nurturing and protecting vital habitats for this iconic freshwater crustacean. Additionally, projects like “Pimp My Jetty” underscore the chapter’s dedication to enhancing recreational fishing infrastructure while concurrently supporting ecosystem health. By engaging in a diverse range of initiatives, the Peel Harvey chapter strives to ensure the sustainability and resilience of the region’s aquatic environments for both marine life and local communities alike.


The Peel-Harvey catchment covers an area over 10,000 square kilometres, extending from the coastal town of Mandurah, 150 kilometres east to the farming communities of Williams and Popanyinning (‘waterhole’ in Noongar language). The Ramsar listed Peel-Harvey Estuary is a large saltwater estuarine body that receives water from the Harvey, the Murray and the Serpentine Rivers. Local recreational fishers have been long concerned with the health of these waterways along with the wider community.


For tens of thousands of years Noongar People of the Bindjareb, Whadjuk, Wiilman and Gnaala Karla Boodja dialect groups have dwelt here, tended the land and been sustained by its natural resources. The Chapter is committed to incorporating traditional ecological knowledge into working on Country, where it is appropriate, in accordance with agreed protocols and with prior approval of the indigenous custodians of the knowledge.


Members convene periodically throughout the year for informal gatherings, discussing projects and enhancements to the regions fish habitat. Meeting details, including dates and venues, are communicated to members via email notifications.

Latest Projects Underway for the Peel-Harvey Chapter

Events coming up for the Peel-Harvey Chapter

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