Peel-Harvey Chapter
The Peel Harvey Chapter of OzFish is steadfast in its commitment to preserving and enhancing the ecological balance of the entire aquatic system, addressing both its upper and lower reaches. With a multifaceted approach, the chapter actively works on initiatives such as marron habitat restoration, where efforts are focused on nurturing and protecting vital habitats for this iconic freshwater crustacean. Additionally, projects like “Pimp My Jetty” underscore the chapter’s dedication to enhancing recreational fishing infrastructure while concurrently supporting ecosystem health. By engaging in a diverse range of initiatives, the Peel Harvey chapter strives to ensure the sustainability and resilience of the region’s aquatic environments for both marine life and local communities alike.
Latest Projects Underway for the Peel-Harvey Chapter
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Join the Peel-Harvey Chapter today
Our supporters make us stronger, ensuring we have the financial resources and engaged advocates across the region to increase our impact every year.
We welcome members from all walks of life to make local fishing healthy, vibrant, and more productive. Starting at $15, there is a membership for everyone.