OzFish and local Fishos rally to save fish – Beachmere, QLD

An algae bloom in Beachmere Lake is believed to be the cause of yet another fish kill.
This latest kill has seen the demise of over an estimated 30,000 fish of various species.
OzFish Unlimited volunteers alongside local recreational fisho’s have been working hard to save the last survivors.
While not all fish relocations have been successful, volunteers were thrilled to see large Estuary Cod, Milkfish, Tarpon, Bream and dozens of Mullet among the species successfully relocated to the Caboolture River.
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OzFish volunteers and local rec fisho’s alongside local council workers will remain onsite as they try and save the remaining broad stock. OzFish Project Manager Ben Diggles said, “It’s so sad to see so many fish gone, however, it’s been fantastic to see local residents and fisho’s rallying together.”
Local council are working to identify and rectify the problem in the short term and re-establish waterflow into the lake. Long term, OzFish Unlimited will work with council engineers to develop a more permanent solution to repair and restore this vital and highly productive fish nursery in the Moreton Bay area.
For more information please contact:
Dr Ben Diggles (m) 0403 773 592 (e) bendiggles@ozfish.org.au
Bob Grieve (m) 0412 325 694 (e) bobgrieve@ozfish.org.au
You can support the continued work of OzFish by becoming a member at ozfish.org.au/membership