Event Update: 2019 Lake Burrendong Easter Classic Postponed
The focus for our Inland Waterways OzFish has always been on the health and wellbeing of their local waterways and native fish first and foremost.
Due to adverse conditions for the fish in Lake Burrendong, the Inland Waterways OzFish committee has elected to postpone the 10th Annual Lake Burrendong Easter Fishing Classic which was to be held on the 19th – 21st April 2019 and rescheduled the event for the Easter period of the 10th – 12th April 2020.
This was an arduous decision, however the committee feel it has been in the best interests for their valued sponsors and participants, and most importantly for our valuable fishery.
The committee would like to extend their gratitude towards the generous sponsors who have already committed to the Classic in the form of Cash or Prizes. This sponsorship will be held in trust and forwarded onto the 2020 Annual Lake Burrendong Easter Fishing Classic.
Finally, the Inland Waterways OzFish committee wish to thank all supporters of the event for their kind contributions.
We look forward to celebrating the 10th Annual Lake Burrendong Classic with you in 2020.
For all enquiries, please contact;
iwrainc@hotmail.com or Allison on 0407 341 539.
Visit the http://www.iwra.com.au for more information